This walk is great if you don’t want to use the car. It can be extended as much as you like.
Highlights: Large meadows and a stream for bathing
Risks: Crossing game
After leaving the property, turn right and follow the cobblestone village road to the village sign. After the village sign, turn right past the plum trees and the former agricultural co-op property on your right and numerous meadows and paddocks on your left.
To reach the stream, go straight ahead for about 3 km until you reach the crossroads: the Nieplitz flows along the cross path. Under the bridge, your darling can enjoy the first cool off, provided he is not afraid of water and ventures down the small, steep embankment on the left before the bridge (at the birch tree), which is unfortunately quite overgrown.
You will find the most beautiful bathing spot if you leave the concrete path and take the dirt road to the left: After about 100 m you will come to a large birch tree and a deeper bathing area with a slight descent. You can also enjoy the cool water there, but beware: the water is very cold!
Then you take the same path back to the village or continue along the dirt track, always staying left along the forest on your way back. If you prefer a circular route, stay on the concrete path at the bridge and turn right until you reach the road. You should leash your dog here for a while – the road is rarely used, but cars do pass. Turn right and walk along the road for about 200 m and then turn diagonally right into the dirt track.
You simply walk to the end, past the big silo. This will take you back into the village. When you reach the crossroads, turn right – keep the church on your right – and you will arrive at the HYGGE HOUSE again.
Watch out:
If your dog has a strong hunting instinct, it is advisable to leash it behind the LPG buildings, because deer and foxes can often be found in the fields and meadows at any time of day.
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